PHERSU ATLAS covers the entire World day by day from January the 1st 3499 BC to November the 20th 2022 AD.
Based on the collected data, Phersu shows statistics like demographic maps, anachronous control maps, time series of areas and population, and many more for over 8,000 known polities.
In addition to a global atlas, phersu includes detailed regional and thematic sections like "Middle East", "Subsaharian Africa", "Europe", "German Confederations", and many more.
The metrics include anachronous maps of control, time series with explanations of territorial changes, comparison of former polities with modern-day borders, and many more.
The data of Phersu Atlas is interactive. In global and regional atlases polities can be clicked to see additional information. Points in time series can be clicked to see the causes of territorial changes. Map metrics can be clicked to get information about polities, rulers, cities...
Phersu Atlas covers thousands of polities, group of polities, succession of polities, thousands of rulers, thousands of cities. The data is highly interconnected.
Phersu Atlas includes metrics listing the polities cities were part of, or the wars that took place in these cities, and even lists of cities per modernd-day country with their old names.
Phersu includes functions to filter territorial changes among thousands of categorized wars or by polity or by both, and to navigate among their descriptions chronologically.
First Exploration of History Data.
For users that want to see a high-detailed Historical Atlas.
For Events Explorers.
For Data Lovers.
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